

  1. Chamorro, Y., Mendizabal-Ruiz, A.P., Abreu-Mendoza,R.A., Morales, A.J., Ramírez-Dueñas, M.L & Matute, E. (2024). Preliminary Evidence for a Positive Relation Between the COMT rs4680 Met/Met Genotype and Math Achievement. Developmental Neuropsychology. 49(3). 139-151. DOI: 10.1080/87565641.2024.2326879.

  2. Luz M. Molina-Martínez y Jorge Juárez (2024). La genética revela mecanismos biológicos de la dependencia de sustancias. En: González-Tapia D, Velázquez-Zamora D y González-Burgos I. (Coordinadores). ADICCIONES, Ciencia, Salud y Sociedad. Universidad de Guadalajara (Editorial). ISBN: 978-607-581-243-4.


  1. Bertocchi, I., Rocha-Almeida, F., Romero-Barragan, M.T., Cambiaghi, M., Carretero-Guillen, A., Botta, P., Dogbevia, G.K., Trevino, M., Mele, P., Oberto, A., Larkum, M.E., Gruart, A., Sprengel, R., Delgado-Garcia, J.M., and Hasan, M.T. (2023). Pre- and postsynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors are required for sequential printing of fear memory engrams. iScience 26, 108050.

  2. Trevino, M., Castiello, S., De La Torre-Valdovinos, B., Osuna Carrasco, P., Medina-Coss, Y.L.R., and Arias-Carrion, O. (2023). Two-stage reinforcement learning task predicts psychological traits. Psych J 12, 355-367.

  3. Trevino, M., Medina-Coss, Y.L.R., Tamez, S., Beltran-Navarro, B., and Verdugo, J. (2023). Directional uncertainty in chase and escape dynamics. J Exp Psychol Gen.

  4. Preciado Barón, A. K., Treviño, M., López Elizalde, R., & Matute, E. (2023). The syllable as a fundamental sub-lexical unit in phonological paraphasias: evidence from Spanish-speaking aphasic patients. Aphasiology, 37(6), 1-23. DOI:  

  5. Zuno Reyes, A., Trejo, S., & Matute, E. (2023). Linear and Nonlinear Effect of Years of Schooling, Sex, and Age on the CERAD-MX and Complementary Tasks in a Mexican Sample: A Cross-Sectional Study. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 00, 1-14. DOI: 10.1093/arclin/acad009.

  6. Yepez Jesús E., Juárez Jorge (2023). Atomoxetine promotes the incentive value of modafinil and sensitizes exploratory behavior. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 230.


  1. Benitez-Lopez, Y., & Ramos-Loyo, J. (2022). Improved Ability in Emotional Recognition and Social Skills After Emotional Recognition Training in Children. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 14(3), 1-1. 

  2. Castillo-Campohermoso V., Molina-Martínez L.M., Barrios de Tomasi E. and Juárez J. (2022). Co-administration of bromocriptine and corticosterone produces short- and long-lasting reduction in intake of high fat food in male rats. Behavioural Pharmacology. DOI: 10.1097/FBP.0000000000000706.

  3. Yepez Jesús E., Juárez Jorge (2022). Modafinil acquires reinforcing effects when combined with citalopram. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 217 (2022) 173407. ISNN: 0091-3057. USA.

  4. Laguna A., Lajud N., Juárez J. and Sanz M. (2022). Chronic early-life stress increases cognitive impulsivity and D2 immunoreactivity in the nucleus accumbens of adult rats. Developmental  Psychobiology 64: e22259, 1-9. Online ISSN: 1098-2302.

  5. Ventura-Castro, L. V., Rosselli, M., & Matute, E. (2022). La Escolaridad, Más que la Edad, Afecta el Desempeño en la Batería Neuropsicológica CERAD en Población Mexicana de 60 Años y Más. Revista Neuropsicología, Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencias, 21(3), 41-62.

  6. Chamorro, Y., Betz, L. T., Philipsen, A., Kambeitz, J., & Ettinger, U. (2022). The Eyes Have It: A Meta-analysis of Oculomotor Inhibition in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Biological psychiatry. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 7(11), 1090–1102.  DOI:  10.1016/j.bpsc.2021.05.004

  7. García-Hernández, J. P., Iribe-Burgos, F. A., Cortes, P. M., Sotelo-Tapia, C., Guevara, M. A., & Hernández-González, M. (2022). Cortical functionality during reversal learning on a decision-making task in young men. Brain Research, 1791, 147998. 

  8. Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., González-Garrido, A. A., Ruiz-Stovel, V. D., Villuendas-González, E. R., Martínez-Ramos, A., & Altamirano-Ríos, M. (2022). Event-related brain potentials study of arithmetic fact retrieval in children with different math achievement levels. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 34(8), 996-1010.

  9. Guerrero-Aranda, A., Friman-Guillen, H., & González-Garrido, A. A. (2022). Acceptability by End-users of a Standardized Structured Format for Reporting EEG. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 15500594221091527. Advance online publication. 

  10. Guerrero-Aranda, A., González-Garrido, A. A., & Alvarado-Rodríguez, F. J. (2022). WE-117. Acceptability by referring physicians of a hand-made version of the SCORE for reporting EEG. Clinical Neurophysiology, 141, S61.

  11. Hernández-González, M., Domínguez-Estrada, C. A., Hernández-Arteaga, E., Arteaga-Silva, M., & Guevara, M. Á. (2022). Male rats exhibit higher prefrontal-parietal EEG synchronization during the sexually-motivated state. Physiology & Behavior, 256, 113937. 

  12. Herrera-Murillo, M. A., Treviño, M., & Manjarrez, E. (2022). Random noise stimulation in the treatment of patients with neurological disorders. Neural Regeneration Research, 17(12), 2557–2562. 

  13. Huerta-Chávez, V., Rivera-Tello, S., & Ramos-Loyo, J. (2022). Los Potenciales Relacionados a Eventos (PREs): una técnica para estudiar el funcionamiento del cerebro durante el procesamiento de información: Event-Related Potentials (ERPs): a technique to study brain functioning during information processing. e-CUCBA, (19), 183-194.

  14. Iribe-Burgos, F. A., Cortes, P. M., García-Hernández, J. P., Sotelo-Tapia, C., Hernández-González, M., & Guevara, M. A. (2022). Effect of reward and punishment on no-risk decision-making in young men: An EEG study. Brain Research, 1779, 147788. 

  15. Laguna, A., Lajud, N., Juárez, J., & Sanz-Martin, A. (2022). Chronic early-life stress increases cognitive impulsivity and D2 immunoreactivity in the nucleus accumbens of adult rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 64(4), e22259. 

  16. Llamas-Alonso, L. A., Barrios, F. A., González-Garrido, A. A., & Ramos-Loyo, J. (2022). Emotional faces interfere with saccadic inhibition and attention re-orientation: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 173, 108300. 

  17. Ramos-Loyo, J., González-Garrido, A. A., Llamas-Alonso, L. A., & Sequeira, H. (2022). Sex differences in cognitive processing: An integrative review of electrophysiological findings. Biological Psychology, 172, 108370.

  18. Zuno-Reyes, A. Z., Matute, E., Enstrom, K., Withers, M., Rodriguez-Agudelo, Y., Raman, R., & Ringman, J. M. (2022). Attitudes about involvement in hypothetical clinical trial protocols in Mexican and Mexican-American at-risk for autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, 173(14), 1-10. DOI: 10.1186/s13195-022-01114-4 

  19. Ruiz-Stovel, V. D., González-Garrido, A. A., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., Gallardo-Moreno, G. B., Villuendas-González, E. R., & Soto-Nava, C. A. (2022). Assessment of Audio-Tactile Sensory Substitution Training in Participants with Profound Deafness Using the Event-Related Potential Technique. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, (187), 10.3791/64266. 

  20. Sandoval-Carrillo, I. K., Hernández-González, M., Guevara, M. A., & Hidalgo-Aguirre, R. M. (2022). Baby crying induces different cortical activation in mothers with secure and insecure attachment. Parenting, 22(2), 152-160.

  21. Sanz-Martin, A., & García-León, I. A. (2022). Differential effect of emotional stimuli on performance on verbal and facial priming tasks and their relation to PTSD symptoms in girls with intrafamiliar sexual abuse. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 46(6), 1087-1100.

  22. Sanz-Martin, A., Preciado-Mercado, S., & Inozemtseva, O. (2022). Social Skills and Behavioral Problems in Adolescents with Child Sexual Abuse, and Their Relation to Basal Cortisol. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 12(5), 252-270.

  23. Treviño, M., & Manjarrez, E. (2022). Balanced Expression of G Protein-coupled Receptor Subtypes in the Mouse, Macaque, and Human Cerebral Cortex. Neuroscience, 487, 107–119. 

  24. Treviño, M., Medina-Coss Y León, R., & Lezama, E. (2022). Response Time Distributions and the Accumulation of Visual Evidence in Freely Moving Mice. Neuroscience, 501, 25–41. 

  25. Yáñez-Ramos, M.G., Zarabozo, D., & Varela, J. (2022). Validación de oraciones con cierres congruentes e incongruentes en población mexicana. Revista Investigación y Ciencia de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Aceptado para publicación 1/jul/2022. ISSN 16654412.

  26. Zuno-Reyes, A., Matute, E., Ernstrom, K., Withers, M., Rodriguez-Agudelo, Y., Raman, R., & Ringman, J. M. (2022). Attitudes about involvement in hypothetical clinical trial protocols in Mexican and Mexican-American at risk for autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 14(1), 173.


  1. Abreu‐Mendoza, R., Pincus, M., Chamorro, Y., Jolles, D., Matute, E., & Rosenberg‐Lee, M. (2021). Parietal and hippocampal hyper‐connectivity is associated with low math achievement in adolescence–A preliminary study. Developmental science, 25(3),

  2. Amezcua-Gutiérrez, C., Hernández-González, M., Guasti, A. F., Aguilar, M. A. C., & Guevara, M. A. (2021). Observing Erotic Videos with Heterosexual Content Induces Different Cerebral Responses in Homosexual and Heterosexual Men. Journal of Homosexuality, 68(1), 138–156. 

  3. Beltran-Navarro, B., Bolaños, L., Cortes-Costilla, M,. y Matute, E. (2021). Características Neuropsicológicas de Menores Institucionalizados. Revista Neuropsicología, Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencias, 21(1), 133-157.

  4. Chamorro, Y., Bolaños, L., Trejo, S., Barrios, O., Ramírez-Dueñas, M. L., Alvarez-Tostado, P., Cervantes, A., & Matute, E. (2021). Do Teachers Confirm Parent's Ratings of ADHD DSM-IV Criteria? A Study of a Mexican Population. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 17, 1965–1975. DOI:  10.2147/NDT.S308051

  5. Cortes, P. M., García-Hernández, J. P., Iribe-Burgos, F. A., Hernández-González, M., Sotelo-Tapia, C., & Guevara, M. A. (2021). Temporal division of the decision-making process: An EEG study. Brain Research, 1769, 147592. 

  6. Cruz-Aguilar, M. A., Ramírez-Salado, I., Hernández-González, M., Guevara, M. A., & Del Río, J. M. (2021). Melatonin effects on EEG activity during non-rapid eye movement sleep in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer´s disease: a pilot study. The International Journal of Neuroscience, 131(6), 580–590. 

  7. Cruz-Aguilar, M. A., Ramírez-Salado, I., Hernández-González, M., Guevara, M. A., & Rivera-García, A. P. (2021). EEG coherence and power spectra during REM sleep related to melatonin intake in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease: a pilot study. The International Journal of Neuroscience, 1–9. Advance online publication. 

  8. Molina-Martínez L.M. and Juárez J. (2021) Deficit of b-endorphin neurons in the hypothalamus and high expression of MOR in mesolimbic structures are related to high alcohol consumption in outbred rats. Alcohol (Elsevier). 2021. 95:1-6. doi:10.1016/j.alcohol.2021.05.002. ISNN: 0741-8329. USA.

  9. De la Fuente-Reynoso AL, Barrios De Tomasi E, Juárez J. (2021) Differential effects of citalopram on the intake of high fat or high carbohydrates diets in female and male rats. Nutr Neurosci. 2021 Jan 10:1-11. doi:10.1080/1028415X.2020.1870198. ISNN: 1028-415X Online ISSN: 1476-8305. USA-UK.

  10. Gallardo-Moreno, G. B., Alvarado-Rodríguez, F. J., Romo-Vázquez, R., Vélez-Pérez, H., & González-Garrido, A. A. (2021). Type 1 diabetes affects the brain functional connectivity underlying working memory processing. Psychophysiology, 59(2), e13969.

  11. Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., González-Garrido, A. A., Salido-Ruiz, R. A., Torres-Ramos, S., Espinoza-Valdez, A., Román-Godínez, I., & Villuendas-González, E. R. (2021). Numerical Comparisons and Sex-Related Brain Connectivity. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 13(2), 62-72.

  12. Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., Martínez-Ramos, A., Vergara, I., Ruiz-Stovel, V. D., & Brofman-Epelbaum, J. J. (2021). Rasgos Residuales de Dislexia en Estudiantes Preuniversitarios. RIDE. Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo, 12(23).

  13. Gonzalez-Reyes, A., Romero, S., y Matute, E. (2021). Estrategias de Intervención en la Fluidez Lectora de Niños Hispanohablantes con Dislexia. Revista Neuropsicología, Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencias, 21(1), 159-178.

  14. Hernández-Arteaga, E., Cruz-Aguilar, M. A., Hernández-González, M., Guevara, M. A., Molina Del Río, J., & Sotelo Tapia, C. (2021). Topographic distribution of the EEG ad hoc broad bands during sleep and wakefulness in the spider monkey (Ateles Geoffroyi). American Journal of Primatology, 83(6), e23257. 

  15. Hernández-González, M., Maldonado, R., Hernández-Arteaga, E., & Guevara, M. A. (2021). Prenatally stress-exposed male rats present lower theta prefrontal activity during attention behaviors to receptive females. Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 24(6), 978–986. 

  16. Hernández-Rodríguez, J., López, A. L., Montes, S., Bonilla-Jaime, H., Morales, I., Limón-Morales, O., Ríos, C., Hernández-González, M., Vigueras-Villaseñor, R. M., & Arteaga-Silva, M. (2021). Delay in puberty indices of Wistar rats caused by Cadmium. Focus on the redox system in reproductive organs. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.), 99, 71–79.

  17. López-Ramírez, E., Huber, M. J., & Inozemtseva, O. (2022). The Positive Effect of the Rational Addiction Prevention Program (RAPP) on Adolescents with High Risk for Drug Consumption. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 53(2), 342–353. 

  18. Lozares, S., Font, J. A., Gandía, A., Campos, A., Flamarique, S., Ibáñez, R., Villa, D., Alba, V., Jiménez, S., Hernández, M., Casamayor, C., Vicente, I., Hernando, E., & Rubio, P. (2021). In vivo dosimetry in low-voltage IORT breast treatments with XR-RV3 radiochromic film. Physica Medica : PM : an International Journal Devoted to the Applications of Physics to Medicine and Biology : Official Journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB), 81, 173–181. 

  19. Matute, E., Berumen Ocegueda, I.E, Hernandez Gutiérrez, M.I., Cornejo Loera, G., Orozco Barajas, M., Perez Rubio, K., Preciado Barón A.K., y Zuno, A., (2021). 13 Áreas a cuidar en personas con enfermedad de Alzheimer: estrategias para la vida diaria. Universidad de Guadalajara.

  20. Mendoza, M., Beltrán-Navarro, B., Matute, E., & Rosselli, M. (2021). Effects of the age, sex, and maternal education of monolingual spanish-speaking preschool children on oral narrative production. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(2), 579-592. doi:

  21. Molina, J., Guevara, M. Á., Hernández-González, M., Hidalgo-Aguirre, R. M., Cruz-Aguilar, M. A., & Hevia, J. C. (2021). Cognitive training on the solving of mathematical problems: an EEG study in young men. Actualidades en Psicología, 35(130), 131-147. 

  22. Molina-Martínez, L. M., & Juárez, J. (2021). Deficit of β-endorphin neurons in the hypothalamus and high expression of MOR in mesolimbic structures are related to high alcohol consumption in outbred rats. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.), 95, 1–6. 

  23. Pérez-González, L. A., & Martínez, H. (2021). Emergence of Third-Order Conditional Discriminations from Learning Discriminations with Unrelated Stimuli. The Psychological Record, 1-14.

  24. Pérez-Hernández, M., Hernández-González, M., Hidalgo-Aguirre, R. M., Guevara, M. A., Amezcua-Gutierrez, C., & Sandoval-Carrillo, I. K. (2021). Multiparity decreases the effect of distractor stimuli on a working memory task: An EEG study. Social Neuroscience, 16(3), 277-288. 

  25. Ramos-Loyo, J., Juárez-García, C., Llamas-Alonso, L. A., Angulo-Chavira, A. Q., Romo-Vázquez, R., & Vélez-Pérez, H. (2021). Inhibitory control under emotional contexts in women with borderline personality disorder: An electrophysiological study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 132, 182–190.  

  26. Reus-García, M. M., Sánchez-Campusano, R., Ledderose, J., Dogbevia, G. K., Treviño, M., Hasan, M. T., Gruart, A., & Delgado-García, J. M. (2021). The Claustrum is Involved in Cognitive Processes Related to the Classical Conditioning of Eyelid Responses in Behaving Rabbits. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 31(1), 281–300. 

  27. Ron-Grajales, A., Sanz-Martin, A., Castañeda-Torres, R. D., Esparza-López, M., Ramos-Loyo, J., & Inozemtseva, O. (2021). Effect of mindfulness training on inhibitory control in young offenders. Mindfulness, 12(7), 1822-1838.

  28. Roselli, M., Matute, E., Beltrán-Navarro, B. (2021). La Relevancia de la Evaluación Neuropsicológica en el Niño Preescolar. Revista Neuropsicología, Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencias, 21(1), 43-62.

  29. Ruiz-Stovel, V. D., González-Garrido, A. A., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., Alvarado-Rodríguez, F. J., & Gallardo-Moreno, G. B. (2021). Quantitative EEG measures in profoundly deaf and normal hearing individuals while performing a vibrotactile temporal discrimination task. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 166, 71-82.

  30. Treviño, M., Beltrán-Navarro, B., León, R. M. Y., & Matute, E. (2021). Clustering of neuropsychological traits of preschoolers. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-14. DOI:

  31. Treviño, M., Castiello, S., Arias-Carrión, O., De la Torre-Valdovinos, B., & Coss Y León, R. M. (2021). Isomorphic decisional biases across perceptual tasks. Plos One, 16(1), e0245890. 

  32. Treviño, M., Castiello, S., De la Torre-Valdovinos, B., Carrasco, P. O., & y León, R. M. C. (2021). Multimetric behavioral profile and psychological traits.

  33. Zhang, S., Hudson, A., Ji, X. R., Joshi, R. M., Zamora, J., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., & González-Garrido, A. A. (2021). Spelling acquisition in Spanish: Using error analyses to examine individual differences in phonological and orthographic processing. Scientific Studies of Reading, 25(1), 64-83. 


  1. Abreu-Mendoza, R. A., Zarabozo-Hurtado, D., Chamorro, Y., Vazquez, P., Matute, E., & Fandakova, Y. (2020). The neural correlates of the core number systems contribute to mathematical ability in adolescence. 

  2. Aguilar Garcia, I. G., Dueñas-Jiménez, J. M., Castillo, L., Osuna-Carrasco, L. P., De La Torre Valdovinos, B., Castañeda-Arellano, R., López-Ruiz, J. R., Toro-Castillo, C., Treviño, M., Mendizabal-Ruiz, G., & Duenas-Jimenez, S. H. (2020). Fictive Scratching Patterns in Brain Cortex-Ablated, Midcollicular Decerebrate, and Spinal Cats. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 14, 1. 

  3. Aguirre, R. M. H., González, M. H., Hernández, M. P., Gutiérrez, C. D. C. A., & Guevara, M. Á. (2020). Observing baby or sexual videos changes the functional synchronization between the prefrontal and parietal cortices in mothers in different postpartum periods. Social Neuroscience, 15(4), 489–504. 

  4. Barragán, L. M., & Zarabozo, D. (2020). Influencia de la Asociación Estímulo-Respuesta sobre el Aprendizaje Secuencial y la Actividad Electrofisiológica. Revista Neuropsicología, Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencias, 20(2), 49-66. ISSN: 0124-1265.

  5. Brofman-Epelbaum, J. J., González-Garrido, A. A., & Gómez-Velázquez, F. R. (2020). Sesgo de muestreo y sus implicaciones en la evaluación a personas con riesgo genético de padecer esquizofrenia. Psiquiatría Biológica, 27(1), 34-39. 

  6. Chamorro, Y., Ramírez-Dueñas, M. L., & Matute, E. (2020). Anticipatory oculomotor responses in parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatric Genetics, 30(3), 65–72. DOI:  10.1097/YPG.0000000000000252

  7. Cruz-Aguilar, M. A., Hernández-Arteaga, E., Hernández-González, M., Ramírez-Salado, I., & Guevara, M. A. (2020). Principal component analysis of electroencephalographic activity during sleep and wakefulness in the spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi). American Journal of Primatology, 82(8), e23162. 

  8. Gallardo-Moreno, G. B., González-Garrido, A. A., Villaseñor-Cabrera, T., Alvarado-Rodríguez, F. J., Ruiz-Stovel, V. D., Jiménez-Maldonado, M. E., Contreras-Piña, N., & Gómez-Velázquez, F. R. (2020). Sustained attention in schoolchildren with type-1 diabetes. A quantitative EEG study. Clinical Neurophysiology: Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(10), 2469–2478. 

  9. Hernández-González, M., Hernández Arteaga, E., Guevara, M. Á., Bonilla Jaime, H., & Arteaga Silva, M. (2020). Electroencephalographic changes and testosterone levels in a pubertal stress animal model: effects on adult sexual motivation. Salud Mental, 43(1), 11-19.

  10. Hernández-Arteaga, E., Hernández-González, M., Bonilla-Jaime, H., Guevara, M. A., & Ågmo, A. (2020). Pubertal stress decreases sexual motivation and suppresses the relation between cerebral theta rhythms and testosterone levels in adult male rats. Brain Research, 1745, 146937. 

  11. Heyer-Osorno R. & Juárez J. (2020). Modafinil reduces choice impulsivity while increasing motor activity in preadolescent rats treated prenatally with alcohol. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior (Elsevier). 194:172936. doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2020.172936. ISNN: 0091-3057. USA.

  12. Molina-Martínez L. M. & Juárez J. (2020).  Differential expression of μ-opioid receptors in the nucleus accumbens, amygdala and VTA depends on liking for alcohol, chronic alcohol intake and estradiol treatment. Behavioural Brain Research. 378, (2020), 112255. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112255. ISSN: 0166-4328.

  13. Hidalgo-Aguirre, R.M., Cruz-Aguilar, M.A., Hernández-González, M., Guevara, M.A., & Rovirosa-Hernández, M.J. (2020). Nocturnal mother–juvenile offspring interaction at the beginning of the juvenile period in free-ranging spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi): a report on two cases. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 374-388.

  14. Hidalgo-Aguirre, R.M., Hernández-González, M., Pérez-Hernández, M., Amezcua-Gutiérrez, C., & Guevara, M.A. (2020). Observing baby or sexual videos changes the functional synchronization between the prefrontal and parietal cortices in mothers in different postpartum periods. Social Neuroscience, 489-504.

  15. Llamas-Alonso, L. A., Angulo-Chavira, A. Q., González-Garrido, A. A., & Ramos-Loyo, J. (2020). Emotional faces modulate eye movement control on an antisaccade task. Neuropsychologia, 136, 107276. 

  16. Mancho-Fora, N., Montalà-Flaquer, M., Farràs-Permanyer, L., Zarabozo-Hurtado, D., Gallardo-Moreno, G. B., Gudayol-Farré, E., Peró-Cebollero, M., & Guàrdia-Olmos, J. (2020). Network change point detection in resting-state functional connectivity dynamics of mild cognitive impairment patients. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology : IJCHP, 20(3), 200–212. 

  17. Martínez-Velázquez, E. S., Ahuatzin González, A. L., Chamorro, Y., & Sequeira, H. (2020). The Influence of Empathy Trait and Gender on Empathic Responses. A Study With Dynamic Emotional Stimulus and Eye Movement Recordings. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 23. 

  18. Ramírez-Rentería, M. L., Hernández-Arteaga, E., Hernández González, M., Cruz-Aguilar, M. A., Ortega-Hernández, T. M. F., Sotelo-Tapia, C., & Guevara, M. A. (2020). Annual changes in the copulatory behavior of male rats maintained under constant laboratory conditions. Chronobiology International, 37(2), 209–217. 

  19. Rivera-Tello, S., Romo-Vázquez, R., & Ramos-Loyo, J. (2020). Correlation of EEG Brain Waves in a Time Perception Task. In VIII Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering and XLII National Conference on Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of CLAIB-CNIB 2019, October 2-5, 2019, Cancún, México (pp. 79-84). Springer International Publishing.

  20. Ruiz-Stovel, V. D. & González-Garrido, A. A. (2020). Vibrotactile perception: an alternative to facilitate language acquisition and promote neurodevelopment in prelingual, profoundly deaf individuals. In: Paul R. Pettit, Deafness. Current Perspectives and Research Developments. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

  21. Torres-Ramos, S., Salido-Ruiz, R. A., Espinoza-Valdez, A., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., González-Garrido, A. A., & Román-Godínez, I. (2020). A brain connectivity characterization of children with different levels of mathematical achievement based on graph metrics. Plos one, 15(1), e0227613. 

  22. Treviño M. (2020). Non-stationary Salience Processing During Perceptual Training in Humans. Neuroscience, 443, 59–70. 

  23. Treviño, M., & Medina-Coss Y León, R. (2020). Distributed processing of side-choice biases. Brain Research, 1749, 147138.

  24. Treviño, M., Medina-Coss Y León, R., & Haro, B. (2020). Adaptive Choice Biases in Mice and Humans. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, 99. 


  1. Abreu-Mendoza, R. A., Chamorro, Y., & Matute, E. (2019). Psychometric properties of the WRAT math computation subtest in Mexican adolescents. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 37(8), 957-972.

  2. Acosta-Franco, J. A., Flores Saiffe-Farías, A., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., González-Garrido, A. A., & Romo-Vázquez, R. (2019). Activación Hemisférica Cerebral en Adultos Jóvenes Mientras Ejecutan Tareas Ortográficas Utilizando fMRI. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica, 40(2).

  3. Alvarado-Rodríguez, F. J., Romo-Vázquez, R., Gallardo-Moreno, G. B., Vélez-Pérez, H., & González-Garrido, A. A. (2019). Type-1 diabetes shapes working memory processing strategies. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 49(5), 347-357.

  4. Balart-Sánchez, S. A., Vélez-Pérez, H., Rivera-Tello, S., Velázquez, F. R. G., González-Garrido, A. A., & Romo-Vázquez, R. (2019). A step forward in the quest for a mobile EEG-designed epoch for psychophysiological studies. Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, 64(6), 655-667. 

  5. Beltrán-Navarro, B., Matute, E., & Vásquez-Garibay, E. M. (2019). Efecto de la deficiencia de hierro sobre el desarrollo neuropsicológico en lactantes. Interdisciplinaria, 36(2), 129-150.

  6. Cortes, P. M., Hernández-Arteaga, E., Sotelo-Tapia, C., Guevara, M. A., Medina, A. C., & Hernández-González, M. (2019). Effects of inactivation of the ventral tegmental area on prefronto-accumbens activity and sexual motivation in male rats. Physiology & Behavior, 209, 112593.

  7. Cruz Aguilar, M. A., Guevara, M. A., Hernández González, M., Ramírez Salado, I., Hernández Arteaga, E., & Ayala Guerrero, F. (2018). Cortical beta EEG oscillations related to changes in muscle tone activity during sleep in spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi). Journal of Medical Primatology, 47(1), 67-74.

  8. Espinoza, E., & Martinez, H. (2019). In Aproximaciones al estudio del comportamiento y aplicaciones (1st ed., Vol. 2, pp. 271–290). essay, Efectos del consumo prolongado de etanol sobre la ejecución de secuencias de variabilidad y estereotipia en ratas Long Evans.

  9. Espinoza, E., García, J., Carrillo, A., & Martínez, H. (2019). Conducta alimentaria y regulación calórica en ratas: efectos del contenido calórico en líquidos. Revista Mexicana de Análisis de la Conducta, 45(2), 223-241.

  10. Farràs-Permanyer, L., Mancho-Fora, N., Montalà-Flaquer, M., Gudayol-Ferré, E., Gallardo-Moreno, G. B., Zarabozo-Hurtado, D., ... & Guàrdia-Olmos, J. (2019). Estimation of brain functional connectivity in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Brain Sciences, 9(12), 350.

  11. Gomez-Ordoñez D. M. & Juárez J. (2019). Differential effect of modafinil on impulsivity, attention and motor activity in preadolescent rats prenatally treated with alcohol. Brain Research Journal, 1722, 146395. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2019.146395. ISSN: 0006-8993.

  12. Juárez J. & Molina-Martínez M. (2019). Opioid System and Alcohol Consumption. En: Preedy, Victor R. (Ed). Neuroscience of Alcohol. Academic Press. ISBN: 978-012-813-125-

  13. Juárez J. & Lizette Nayeli Martínez Hernández (2019). El Placer de Tomar Riesgos. En: Juárez J. (Ed.) La Huella del Placer. De la regulación a la Adicción. Editorial Manual Moderno. ISBN: 978-607-448-742-8.

  14. Gabriela González Martin, Jesús Mata Luévanos & Juárez J. (2019). La sobrealimentación: ¿regulación, gratificación o adicción. En: Juárez J. (Ed.) La Huella del Placer. De la regulación a la Adicción. Editorial Manual Moderno. ISBN: 978-607-448-742-8.

  15. Juárez J., Rocío Erandi Heyer Osorno & Daisy Marili Gómez Ordoñez (2019). Psicoestimulantes: efectos, uso terapéutico y potencial adictivo. En: Juárez J. (Ed.) La Huella del Placer. De la regulación a la Adicción. Editorial Manual Moderno. ISBN: 978-607-448-742-8.

  16. González-Garrido, A. A., Gallardo-Moreno, G. B., & Gómez-Velázquez, F. R. (2019). Type 1 diabetes and working memory processing of emotional faces. Behavioural Brain Research, 363, 173-181. 

  17. González-Garrido, A. A., Brofman-Epelbaum, J. J., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., Balart-Sánchez, S. A., & Ramos-Loyo, J. (2019). Skipping breakfast affects the early steps of cognitive processing. Journal of Psychophysiology. An event-related brain potentials study. Journal of Psychophysiology 33(2), 109-118.

  18. Guevara, M. Á., Rivera-Sánchez, K., Hernández-González, M., Hernández-Arteaga, E., Ramírez-Rentería, M., & Sotelo Tapia, C. (2019). Modelo animal de motivación y activación sexual: efectos del alcohol. Actualidades en Psicología, 33(127), 49-62.

  19. Llamas-Alonso, J., Guevara, M. A., Hernández-González, M., Hevia-Orozco, J. C., & Almanza-Sepulveda, M. L. (2019). Action video game players require greater EEG coupling between prefrontal cortices to adequately perform a dual task. Entertainment Computing, 30, 100302.

  20. López-Ramírez, E., & Inozemtseva, O. (2019). Validación del cuestionario de factores de riesgo interpersonales para el consumo de drogas en adolescentes (frida) en la población mexicana. Cuadernos de Neuropsicología/Panamerican Journal of Neuropsychology, 13(2).

  21. Martínez-Ramos, A., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., Peró-Cebollero, M., González-Garrido, A. A., Guàrdia-Olmos, J., Gudayol-Ferré, E., & Gallardo-Moreno, G. B. (2019). Neurofunctional activation patterns reflect differences in cognitive control associated with spelling skills in Spanish. Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia, 20(5), 214-221.

  22. Molina del Río, J., Guevara, M. A., Hernández González, M., Hidalgo Aguirre, R. M., & Cruz Aguilar, M. A. (2019). EEG correlation during the solving of simple and complex logical–mathematical problems. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 19, 1036-1046.

  23. Ríos-Herrera, W. A., Olguín-Rodríguez, P. V., Arzate-Mena, J. D., Corsi-Cabrera, M., Escalona, J., Marín-García, A., ... & Müller, M. F. (2019). The influence of EEG references on the analysis of spatio-temporal interrelation patterns. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 941.

  24. Sanz-Martin, A., Preciado-Mercado, S., & Olga-Inozemtseva, G. L. I. (2019). Prefrontal dysfunction in girls with post-traumatic stress disorder secondary to child sexual abuse, and its relation to basal cortisol levels. J Trauma Stress Disor Treat 7, 3(2). 

  25. Treviño, M., Medina-Coss y León, R., & Lezama, E. (2019). Adrenergic modulation of visually-guided behavior. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, 11, 9.

  26. Vázquez-Moreno, A., González-Garrido, A. A., & Ramos-Loyo, J. (2019). Delayed response improves inhibitory control in low-and high-impulsivity adolescents: Effects of emotional contexts. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 11(2), 42-53.

  27. Withers, M., Sayegh, P., Rodriguez‐Agudelo, Y., Ernstrom, K., Raman, R., Montoya, L., Zuno-Reyes, A., Mosieri C., Matute, E., & Ringman, J. M. (2019). A mixed‐methods study of cultural beliefs about dementia and genetic testing among Mexicans and Mexican‐Americans at‐risk for autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 28(5), 921-932.


  1. Abreu-Mendoza, R. A., Chamorro, Y., Garcia-Barrera, M. A., & Matute, E. (2018). The contributions of executive functions to mathematical learning difficulties and mathematical talent during adolescence. PLoS One, 13(12), e0209267. 

  2. Aceves, N. E., Zarabozo, D., Martínez-Sánchez, H., García, S. M., & Parra-Cuamba, I. (2018). Retroalimentación, recompensa y castigo: efectos sobre el aprendizaje secuencial. Conductual, 6(1).

  3. Almanza-Sepúlveda, M. L., Hernández-González, M., Hevia-Orozco, J. C., Amezcua-Gutiérrez, C., & Guevara, M. A. (2018). Verbal and visuospatial working memory during pregnancy: EEG correlation between the prefrontal and parietal cortices. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 148, 1-7. 

  4. Alonso-Valerdi, L. M., & González-Garrido, A. A. (2018). Characterizing motor system to improve training protocols used in brain-machine interfaces based on motor imagery. de Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, London, IntechOpen, 57-76.

  5. Arango-Tobón, O. E., Pinilla-Monsalve, G. D., Loaiza-Gaviria, T., Puerta-Lopera, I. C., Rosa, A. O. L., Ardila, A., ... & Rosselli, M. (2018). Relación entre lenguaje expresivo y receptivo y habilidades prelectoras. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 50(3), 136-144.

  6. Arango-Tobón, O., Pinilla-Monsalve, G., Loaiza-Gaviria, T., Puerta-Lopera, I., Ardila, A., Matute, E., & Rosselli, M. (2018). Relación entre lenguaje expresivo y receptivo y habilidades prelectoras. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 50(3), 136-144.

  7. Beltrán-Navarro, B., Abreu-Mendoza, R. A., Matute, E., & Rosselli, M. (2018). Development of early numerical abilities of Spanish-speaking Mexican preschoolers: A new assessment tool. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 7(2), 117-128. DOI:  10.1080/21622965.2016.1266940.

  8. Cruz, I. V. D. L., Martínez, H., & Froján-Parga, M. X. (2018). Una extensión del concepto de regla y su aplicación a la terapia psicológica. Clínica y Salud, 29(2), 63-70.

  9. CruzAguilar, M. A., HernándezGonzález, M., Guevara, M. A., Hernández Arteaga, E., Hidalgo Aguirre, R. M., Amezcua Gutierrez, C. D. C., & Ramírez Salado, I. (2018). Alpha electroencephalographic activity during rapid eye movement sleep in the spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi): An index of arousal during sleep? Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 329(10), 557-569.

  10. Cruz-Aguilar, M. A., Ramírez-Salado, I., Guevara, M. A., Hernández-González, M., & Benitez-King, G. (2018). Melatonin effects on EEG activity during sleep onset in mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 2(1), 55-65.

  11. GonzálezGarrido, A. A., Gallardo Moreno, G. B., Romo Vázquez, R., Vélez Pérez, H., Flores Saiffe Farías, A., Mendizabal Ruiz, G., ... & Ramos Loyo, J. (2018). Is sex an influential factor in type 1 diabetes neurofunctional development? A preliminary study. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 96(10), 1699-1706.

  12. González-Garrido, A. A., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., Romo-Vázquez, R., Vélez-Pérez, H., Salido-Ruiz, R. A., Espinoza-Valdez, A., ... & Martínez-Ramos, A. (2018). Dataset on the EEG time-frequency representation in children with different levels of mathematical achievement. Data in Brief, 21, 1071-1075. 

  13. González-Garrido, A. A., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., Salido-Ruiz, R. A., Espinoza-Valdez, A., Vélez-Pérez, H., Romo-Vazquez, R., ... & Berumen, G. (2018). The analysis of EEG coherence reflects middle childhood differences in mathematical achievement. Brain and Cognition, 124, 57-63.

  14. Guardia-Olmos, J., Gudayol-Ferre, E., Gallardo-Moreno, G. B., Martinez-Ricart, M., Pero-Cebollero, M., & Gonzalez-Garrido, A. A. (2018). Complex systems representing effective connectivity in patients with Type One diabetes mellitus. Plos One, 13(11), e0208247.

  15. Guerrero-Aranda, A., Gómez-Velázquez, F. R., & González-Garrido, A. A. (2018). Correlato neural de la lectura en bilingües. Anuario de Psicología, 48(3), 98-104.

  16. Guevara, M. A., Gómez-Navarro, C., Amezcua-Gutiérrez, C., Hernández-González, M., & Ågmo, A. (2018). Electroencephalographic correlates of sexual arousal induced by sexually-explicit reading in human females. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 8(11), 599-614.

  17. Guevara, M. A., Paniagua, E. I. C., González, M. H., Carrillo, I. K. S., Sepúlveda, M. L. A., Orozco, J. C. H., & Gutiérrez, C. A. (2018). EEG activity during the spatial span task in young men: Differences between short-term and working memory. Brain Research, 1683, 86-94.

  18. Hevia-Orozco, J. C., & Sanz-Martin, A. (2018). EEG characteristics of adolescents raised in institutional environments and their relation to psychopathological symptoms. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 8(10), 519.

  19. Huidobro, N., De la Torre-Valdovinos, B., Mendez, A., Treviño, M., Arias-Carrion, O., Chavez, F., ... & Manjarrez, E. (2018). Optogenetic noise-photostimulation on the brain increases somatosensory spike firing responses. Neuroscience Letters, 664, 51-57.

  20. Killeen, P. R., Taylor, T. J., & Treviño, M. (2018). Subjects adjust criterion on errors in perceptual decision tasks. Psychological Review, 125(1), 117.

  21. Ocampo González, S., Sanz Martin, A., Santiago Nava, F., López Aguirre, P., & Jiménez Padilla, L. (2018). Short term results of bariatric surgery in the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde. Cirujano General, 40(2), 94-104.

  22. Olguín-Rodríguez, P. V., Arzate-Mena, J. D., Corsi-Cabrera, M., Gast, H., Marín-García, A., Mathis, J., ... & Müller, M. (2018). Characteristic fluctuations around stable attractor dynamics extracted from highly nonstationary electroencephalographic recordings. Brain Connectivity, 8(8), 457-474.

  23. Rizo Martínez, L. E., Guevara Pérez, M. Á., Hernández González, M., & Sánchez Sosa, J. J. (2018). A preliminary study of the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety symptoms in female adolescents maltreatment victims in Mexico. Salud Mental, 41(3), 139-144.

  24. Sánchez, H. M. (2018). Las relaciones entre cerebro y conducta:¿ hay posibilidades de comunicación?. Apuntes de Psicología, 21-25.

  25. Sanz Martín, A., Álvarez Núñez, D. N., & Inozemtseva, O. (2018). The effect of anxiety on verbal and visual priming tasks an adolescent victims of bullying.

  26. Trejo, S., Matute, E., de Lourdes Ramírez Dueñas, M., Mendizabal Ruiz, A. P., Chamorro, Y., & Morales, J. A. (2018). “Like parent, like child”: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder like characteristics in parents of ADHD cases. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 177(7), 676-684. DOI:  10.1002/ajmg.b.32676

  27. Treviño, M., Fregoso, E., Sahagún, C., & Lezama, E. (2018). An automated water task to test visual discrimination performance, adaptive strategies and stereotyped choices in freely moving mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 251.

  28. Vargas-de la Cruz, I., Pardo-Cebrián, R., Sánchez, H. M., & Froján-Parga, M. X. (2018). Rule emission: A possible variable for improved therapeutic practice. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 21, E38.

  29. Zuno, A., Pérez, K. & Matute, E. (2018). Escolaridad, Edad y Sexo en la Evaluación de la memoria visual en adultos jóvenes de México. Neuropsicología, Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencias 18(2) 57-70 ISSN: 0124-1265.